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StonebrideCommonsAmended-July 7, 2005
Minutes of the Stonebridge Commons
Amended Special Permit
Public Hearing of
July 7, 2005

I.      CALL TO ORDER - 8:00 p.m.

        Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                                Gerard LeBlanc, Vice Chairman
                                David Nagle, Clerk
                                Joan DiLillo, Member
                                Gordon Coyle, Member

        Others Present: Town Planner Noreen O’Toole
                                Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson

        Chairman Philip Lindquist advised all present that the meeting was being tape recorded and reviewed the agenda for the public hearing. He asked if all abutters had been properly notified and was advised by Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson that certified mail receipts for all abutters had been received by the Planning Board office.  Vice Chairman Gerard LeBlanc read the following public hearing notice published in the Hanson Express on June 23 and 30, 2005:


The HANSON PLANNING BOARD will hold a public hearing on THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2005 at 8:00 P.M. at HANSON TOWN HALL, 542 LIBERTY STREET, HANSON, MA 02341 on the application of MARK A. RIDDER of 454 BROADWAY, HANOVER, MA 02339 to AMEND the SPECIAL PERMIT granted on May 19, 2004 under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 9 and Town of Hanson Zoning Bylaw, Section VI.K.1., to reduce the size of the community building and change building footprints to accommodate two-car garages for all housing units at STONEBRIDGE COMMONS, A 121-UNIT ADULT RETIREMENT VILLAGE OFF WINTER AND LIBERTY STREETS, HANSON ASSESSORS MAP 90, LOTS 5 & 5A and MAP 91, LOTS 14 & 16.

Philip R. Lindquist, Chairman


        Developer Mark Ridder of Hanover and his engineer, John Barrows of Marchionda & Associates, L.P. of Stoneham, reviewed for the Board amended plans for Stonebridge Commons, a 121-unit over 55 years of age condominium development located off Winter and Liberty Streets.  The amended plans were dated May 5, 2005.  The plans for the special permit granted by the Board on March 3, 2004 and filed with the Town Clerk on May 20, 2004 are dated February 20, 2005.

        Board members were told that the amended plans showed a reduction in the size of the clubhouse and a change from a mix of one and two-car garages to two-car garages for all units which has altered building footprints.  The clubhouse was reduced in size based on the size of clubhouses in other area projects, Mr. Ridder said.  Mr. Barrows said the reduction in the size of the clubhouse will lower condominium fees.  The decision to provide a two-car garage for every unit, Mr. Ridder said, was made due to the interest shown in a two-car garage by potential residents of the development.


        As it was obvious to the Board that there were very few abutters in attendance, Chairman Philip Lindquist entertained a motion to waive the reading of the abutters’ list.

        Motion to waive the reading of the abutters’ list: David Nagle
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 5-0

        Dexter Robinson of Winter Street asked when the project was scheduled to begin and Mr. Ridder replied he planned to start within four to six weeks with the first units to be available next summer.

        Donald Norris, owner of property on Liberty Street, asked if there had been any changes to the distance between buildings and was told by Mr. Ridder that they are still 30 feet apart.  He said all of the units will have two bedrooms.

        Michael Horton of Liberty Street said that he was an abutter but had no questions.


        There were no questions from the public.


        A.      Police Department

                No comments received.

        B.      Water Department
                No comments received.

        C.      Fire Department
                No comments received.

        D.      Board of Health

                No comments received.

        E.      Building Inspector

                No comments received.

        G.      Conservation Commission

                No comments received.

        H.      Highway Surveyor

                No comments received.


        Joan DiLillo asked for an accounting of rear setback changes, and Mr. Barrows replied that Building 1 was 40 feet and is now 32 feet; Building 2 was 45 feet and is now 36 feet; Buildings 3 and 4 were 25 feet and are now 19 feet; Building 5 was 39 feet and is now 24 feet; Building 6 was 23 feet and is now 17 feet; Building 7 was 14 feet and is now 9 feet; Building 13 was 14 feet and is now 23 feet; Building 26 was 44 feet and is now 40 feet; and Building 32 was 25 feet and is now 14 feet.


        Paul Fellini of Merrill Associates, Inc. of Hanover, the Board’s review engineer for the project, said that the changes needed were minor.  He said that the proposed contours located between two retaining walls along the east side of Winter Way Driveway were incorrect.  The error, he said, was inadvertently carried over from the Site Plan to the Structural Engineered Plan.  The proposed retaining wall wings of both walls at the location need to be extended to intercept the proposed contours, he said.  He recommended that the design engineers correct the discrepancies on both plans.  Two corrections are also needed to the Structural Engineered Plan, he said.  Retaining Wall #3 along the east side of Winter Way Driveway on sheet S-1 is mislabeled and the proposed elevation of Retaining Wall #2 south end at the top before the wingwall should have an elevation of 72.25.  Mr. Ridder said that the corrected plans would be delivered to the Planning Board office before the next meeting.


        Motion to approve the amended special permit as presented: Gerard LeBlanc
        Second: David Nagle
        Vote: 4-0 (Joan DiLillo absent)

        Motion to establish the bond for Stonebridge Commons at $6,073,444 as                   recommended by Merrill Associates: David Nagle
        Second: Gordon Coyle
        Vote: 4-0 (Joan DiLillo absent)


        Motion to close the public hearing: David Nagle
        Second: Gerard LeBlanc
        Vote: 4-0 (Joan DiLillo absent)